Why is ROR Better for Development Purposes?

Since the introduction and arrival of the ROR in the niche of web development, it has become one of the most popular coding languages. The developers have been learning and adopting it everywhere around. Similarly, the customers and the clients now often demand for the development of their websites and web apps in ROR framework. As it save them time and cost at the same time.


It is the open source coding language which is completely free. The ROR community and support could be achieved immediately, as it’s highly proactive. In case if you are facing any issue, you would be facilitated with solutions soonest. There are some other reasons as well which had made ROR so popular for the web development Dubai and across the UAE. Let’s discus some of them.


Why is ROR Better for Development Purposes | Ruby on Rails Dubai


Perfect for Web Technologies:


It is extremely beneficial for the sake of the web technologies. The prototypes could be done really fast in the ROR to publish them and make them running live. So, you don’t really need to wait too long for something to get ready and come live on the web.


Saves Money:


As the development in the ruby on rails doesn’t take too much time, since it is a very easy and simple coding framework. Hence, less time, workforce and efforts are consumed. And that all eventually extremely minimizes the cost to save us money.


Save Times:


This framework is really easy and near to the human nature at the same time. You don’t need to write too much difficult syntax or codes. Really simple and understandable coding lines are being written. So that actually saves us a lot of time.


Helpful Community:


The ruby on rails Dubai and across the world has become so popular because it has a very helpful and active community. So in case if you are facing any issue, you can just post it on the community to get answers right away. This is also a reason behind the popularity and success of the ROR.


All Big Players Use Ruby on Rails


All Big Players Use ROR:


Hulu, LivingSocial, Tumblr and Twitter are some of the biggest players who also use ROR. They have been developed in this framework. So, we can imagine how improved and the best framework ruby on rails actually is.  

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